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How Restaurants Manage Inventory For Profitable Business



How Restaurants Manage Inventory

Every restaurant owner wants to make a profit. But what does it take to succeed? One way is by managing inventory for a profitable business. This means ensuring that you have inventory available for the customers who are ready to buy and also getting rid of surplus stock promptly when demand for an item falls so that you don’t tie up too much cash in your inventory. Many ways can help you manage your inventory to get the most out of your marketing efforts. So here are ways to help restaurants manage inventory for a profitable business.

Use An Inventory Control System

One of the best ways to manage inventory for a profitable business is to use an inventory-control system that helps you keep track of what items are available and where they can be found, both in your restaurant and storage. For example, you can use a PAR level system, a popular inventory management system. This system indicates the presently available usage of an item and a stock-out level. It also gives you an indication of when there will be no more inventory on hand. Additionally, some inventory control systems help you forecast inventory demand and only order when stocks are running low. This enables you to avoid tying up too much cash in your inventory if demand for an item slows down.

According to Synergy Suite, proper inventory management can assist your business by providing benefits such as:

  • Better food waste control. Helping your business throw away less is healthier for your business as well as the environment.
  • Creating a healthy inventory turnover rate. This helps keep your inventory fresh and ensures you don’t have an abundance of supplies you don’t need.
  • More streamlined and accurate inventory management. Know exactly how much of any given item you have at all times so you’re not spending unnecessarily.
  • Saving money on proper procurement. Getting to know how much of your resources are going toward any given item can greatly reduce the likelihood of overstocking.
  • Improved cash flow
  • Increased profitability

As you can see, proper inventory management can have a domino effect on several areas of your business. You could be wasting less, using more, and ensuring that your business is remaining profitable so you can focus more on your employees and customers.

Keep Track Of Stock-In And Stock-Out Levels

Another way to help restaurants manage inventory for a profitable business is to keep track of stock-in and stock-out levels, which indicate the amount of product available at any given time. You need to keep track of this because it helps you determine how much product is available for sale in your restaurant and how much is already on hand. Also, you can use this information to determine when you need to order new stock and when unwanted products will be removed from the store.

Prioritize Your Inventory Management

Another way to help restaurants manage inventory for a profitable business is by prioritizing inventory management. By focusing on new and more profitable products, you can boost sales. You can save considerable money by managing your inventory to keep it stocked in the best location possible. This is because you can minimize your sales markdown, cash-out, and waste by keeping your inventory in the most effective locations. Furthermore, you can use this information to determine which products are being sold out of stock the fastest. This will help you order more stock for these items and ensure that there is enough on hand at all times.

When your stock levels are mismanaged, it can be more difficult to explore alternatives to the products you have. Sometimes, restaurant owners find themselves stuck ordering the same set of products out of sheer convenience. The fear of running out of supplies while transitioning to replacement products can sometimes force businesses to keep ordering what they know is reliable. With a proper inventory management system in place, you can prepare for such transitions better. You can prepare your business by overstocking supplies during times of transition. This allows you to test new products in a constructive manner while ensuring the needs of the overall business is being met.

Sustain A Consistent Schedule

Any business that makes a profit has a consistent schedule that allows employees to work together and manage the restaurant inventory. This means that the employees have to work with each other. Employees in a restaurant usually have different schedules, so you need to cross-train them so that they can help each other deal with a busy restaurant.

You may also need to hire additional staff during busy times, or you may want to cut back on your staffing during the slow times of the year. Additionally, you can train your employees to take inventory, check on open orders, and check their accounts promptly to make sure that you don’t have too much or too little product on hand.

Some businesses find it helpful to enlist 3rd party services such as temporary workers for mundane tasks during busy times. You could quickly find more hands for your business this way without adding new employees to your payroll permanently. Areas you can enlist temporary workers include, busing tables, cleaning, secretarial scheduling, and offloading new products. Basically, use temporary workers for mundane tasks that don’t require much training. This gives you the chance to use your permanent employees for important areas of your business such as cooking and waiting on customers.

Appoint Someone To Track Inventory

Another helpful way to manage inventory for a profitable business is to appoint someone to track inventory. It’s important to have a centralized location so that it can go on the list at once when stock runs low. Using a point system will allow you to keep track of your inventory so that there isn’t too much or too little at any given time. This will help you keep from tying up too much cash in your inventory and keep your business running smoothly. Also, you can use this information to perform stock analyses to understand better the types of products that are doing well.

It’s important for businesses to track their inventory carefully to ensure there is always a sufficient amount on hand and they don’t tie up too much cash in their inventory. A point system, an inventory-control system, stock-out levels, and a consistent schedule can help you manage your inventory for a profitable restaurant business. Therefore, using these tips may have a better chance of having a profitable restaurant business.

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Sustainability in Machinery: The Environmental Impact of Choosing Used Forklifts



Sustainability in Machinery: The Environmental Impact of Choosing Used Forklifts

Sustainability has become a major consideration for industries looking to reduce their carbon footprint and lower their environmental impact. The forklift sector is one of the driving forces behind this eco-friendly approach, and the machinery and apparatus you choose can play a significant role in achieving sustainability goals.

Used and refurbished forklifts are a green and cost-effective solution for any business or organisation with a focus on improving its sustainability practices. From construction to farming to warehouse management, used forklifts offer a green alternative to new forklifts, provide substantial cost savings, and also make a significant contribution towards the UK’s Net Zero emissions target which aims to decarbonise all sectors of the economy by 2050.

With the future health of the planet taking centre stage at Earth Day 2024 on April 22nd, forklift experts, PHL are highlighting the numerous environmental advantages of used forklifts and why more businesses should make them their number one sustainable choice for heavy-duty lifting equipment.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Like any new vehicle or machinery, significant amounts of energy, raw materials, and precious resources are consumed in the process of manufacturing new forklift trucks. Not only that but harmful compounds that can affect the environment are produced while making new forklifts.

By choosing a used and repurposed forklift that has been carefully serviced and maintained, businesses are extending the lifespan of existing equipment while reducing their carbon footprint. Reusing forklifts is always a smarter and greener alternative to manufacturing new machines, and it helps businesses contribute towards a brighter and greener future.

Less Waste

In addition to generating waste and harmful emissions, the manufacture of new forklifts can negatively impact the environment in other ways. For instance, when a business decides it’s time to get rid of their old forklifts, the machines often end up in scrapyards and landfill sites where they pollute the land around them.

However, acquiring a used forklift is a simple way for businesses to reduce the level of waste generated by the industry. After all, used and refurbished forklifts are made from parts that have already been manufactured, so they produce less waste and don’t require the additional resources that a new forklift would.

Greater Efficiency

Many used forklift trucks are retrofitted with energy-saving features that provide greater efficiency for users. For example, some used forklifts are fitted with LED lights which consume less energy than traditional lights. Similarly, used forklifts can also benefit from regenerative braking which harnesses the energy produced when slowing down to recharge its batteries. Not only does this reduce the energy required to operate the forklift, but it can also save a business money on fuel costs.

Another sustainable benefit of used forklifts is that their old, polluting fossil-fuel engines are often replaced with energy-efficient engines that require less fuel. You’ll also find used forklifts with fully electric engines or hybrid engines that combine gas and electric power, again providing greater efficiency and lower carbon emissions.

Less Downtime

You will benefit from less expensive downtime with a well-maintained used forklift than you would with a neglected model. Regular servicing and thorough inspections will ensure your used forklift gives you hours of uninterrupted service, providing greater efficiency across your business.

You won’t have to look far to find a high-quality used forklift in pristine condition either. Many used forklifts have been carefully looked after by their previous owners and fully refurbished. This means they can operate just as efficiently as a brand new forklift yet at a much lower cost, and they won’t require frequent and expensive repairs.

It’s clear that opting for a used forklift can help businesses align their operational needs with sustainability goals and reduce their carbon footprint by extending the lifespan of existing machinery. Not only that, but many forklift manufacturers are incorporating eco-friendly features into their second-hand forklifts so that businesses can take advantage of these environmental benefits without the extra cost involved with purchasing a new machine.

However, if your business is looking to invest in a new forklift truck or fleet of trucks, there are several factors to consider that can help you make a sustainable choice. For instance, electric forklift trucks and lithium-ion battery forklifts are more energy-efficient and quieter than traditional diesel and petrol forklifts, contributing to a cleaner working environment. Similarly, a quality, reconditioned, used electric forklift will operate just as efficiently as most new forklifts but at a fraction of the cost, and don’t consume dirty fossil fuels.

When it comes to sustainability, used forklifts win hands down on numerous fronts compared to new forklifts. Whether reducing your carbon footprint, providing enhanced efficiency, or keeping waste to a minimum, used and refurbished forklifts are becoming increasingly popular with eco-conscious businesses looking to improve their operations in a sustainable fashion.

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Brand Evolution: The Role of a Strong Community in Today’s Landscape



brand evolution

In the whirlwind of modern business, brand success has shifted beyond marketing muscle and slick products. Today, a brand’s true strength lies in the tapestry it weaves with its community.

This article explores how fostering deep community connections isn’t just a PR win, but a strategic thread in brand evolution, leading to positive societal impact.

Engaging Local Talent: A Win-Win for Brands and Communities

In a time when globalization is the norm, local authenticity and craftsmanship are becoming more and more valued. Employers now have a rare chance to interact with regional artists, craftspeople, and artisans. By doing this, businesses may take advantage of the diverse pool of local talent, giving their goods and services a unique appeal that appeals to the community.

This is more than just a commercial relationship. It’s about creating a supportive network wherein local talent can display their abilities and businesses can become more genuine and establish stronger ties with their target audience. For example, a neighborhood coffee shop that sources its décor from local artists not only enhances the aesthetics of the area but also conveys a compelling narrative to its customers.

Fostering Community Relationships Through Support and Collaboration

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Fostering strong relationships with the community through support and collaboration is an essential aspect of modern brand evolution. This approach goes beyond traditional business practices, focusing on creating a symbiotic relationship where both the brand and the community benefit mutually. Engaging in community support and collaboration can take many forms, and each offers unique opportunities for brands to strengthen their ties with the people and organizations around them. One effective way to foster these relationships is through partnerships with local community organizations. Brands can collaborate with schools, non-profits, or local government initiatives to support various projects.

These partnerships might involve sponsoring local events, providing resources for community programs, or even offering expertise and manpower for community development projects. By doing so, brands can play an integral role in addressing local needs, from improving educational facilities to enhancing public spaces, thus directly impacting the quality of life within the community.

Amplifying Brand Image Through Community Endorsements

A happy consumer is a brand’s greatest ambassador. Local communities naturally become brand ambassadors when they gain from a business’s actions, whether it is through partnerships, employment possibilities, or support for neighborhood projects. Positive evaluations and recommendations from neighbors have more weight than any amount of sponsored advertising.

Being involved in the community also makes it easier to communicate real stories. Brands can create content that is not only promotional but also endearing and approachable by sharing stories about their community activities and collaborations. This strategy can greatly improve your branding by gaining consumers’ trust and making it seem more approachable.

Environmental Stewardship: A Commitment to Sustainability

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Environmental stewardship is becoming an ever-more-important part of corporate identity in today’s environmentally conscious market. Brands that actively promote environmental sustainability in their communities not only contribute to the creation of a healthy planet but also win over more and more environmentally concerned customers. This commitment can be made in a variety of ways, like by endorsing local environmental projects or integrating energy-saving practices into business processes.

For example, an Indian business might launch or support a campaign to reduce the quantity of plastic waste in surrounding rivers. A business in Australia might start paying more attention to reducing water bills by hiring the best plumbers in Sydney and choosing more affordable resource providers. These programs not only help protect the environment, but also demonstrate the brand’s commitment to sustainability—a quality that consumers are starting to value more and more.

Brands can also participate in educational programs to increase community knowledge of environmental issues. In addition to educating, workshops on energy saving, recycling, and sustainable living techniques foster a sense of camaraderie among participants around common environmental objectives.

Enhancing Digital Engagement and Accessibility in the Community

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Improving digital engagement and accessibility is a crucial part of brands’ community involvement roles in today’s digitally-driven society. With technology playing a more and bigger role in daily life, brands are in a great position to close the digital gap and create a more cohesive community. This role is especially important because it fills a critical need in many communities and is in line with current trends. First, companies can fund projects aimed at improving digital accessibility.

This could entail building up community tech hubs where people can access and learn about digital technologies, giving free Wi-Fi in public areas, or supplying technology resources to poor schools. By improving digital access, brands help to ensure that all members of the community, regardless of their economic background, have the opportunity to have their voices heard.

Championing Social Causes and Community Wellbeing

Getting involved in advancing social causes and enhancing community welfare is one of the best ways for brands to make a lasting impression. In today’s socially conscious market, brands are expected to be more than just providers of goods or services; rather, they are seen as vital parts of the communities they serve. Brands can build deeper connections with their customers and the community at large by aligning with social causes and sponsoring them. This engagement can take many forms, such as coordinating or taking part in health awareness campaigns or lending support to regional nonprofits and charities.

For example, to encourage physical fitness and wellbeing, a company could fund neighborhood sports events or collaborate with a nearby health group to offer free health check-ups. Such initiatives not only aid the community but also align the brand with values of health and wellness, which can be particularly appealing to health-conscious consumers.

In conclusion, a brand’s development in the modern world is closely linked to its standing within the community. Developing partnerships, involving local talent, and actively contributing to community welfare are important tactics that can promote mutually beneficial growth for the business and the community. By doing this, brands leave a lasting legacy that transcends financial success in addition to improving their reputation and making significant social contributions. Brands that place a high priority on community involvement are likely to become industry leaders as they negotiate the complexity of contemporary business.

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Pros and Cons of EV Company Cars in 2024



ev company cars uk

Businesses and individuals are switching to electric vehicles in ever-increasing numbers. Latest figures show there were more than 1 million fully electric cars registered in the UK in February 2024 on top of a further 56,000 electric vans and 620,000 plug-in hybrids.  

Now, with a government ban on the sale of all new petrol and diesel cars due to come into force in 2035, more and more businesses and employees will be trading in their polluting fossil-fuel company vehicles for a zero-emissions electric model. 

From salary sacrifice schemes to tax benefits, business car insurance specialists, Keith Michaels has weighed up the advantages and disadvantages of driving an electric company vehicle in 2024 and explained what this means for employers and benefit in kind (BiK). 

The Pros of EV Company Cars 

Owning a company car was once a tax-efficient benefit designed to stimulate the UK car market. That benefit soon became diluted as governments clamped down on benefit-in-kind rules, making company cars less desirable for businesses and employees alike. 

The rise in electric cars changed attitudes again thanks to attractive benefit rates for employees and tax deductions for employers aimed at encouraging uptake in EVs, reducing carbon emissions, and helping the government meet its Net Zero target. 

With electric vehicle technology constantly improving, it’s no surprise that businesses are now choosing EVs over standard motor options. Not only is this good news for the environment but there’s less maintenance and lower running costs with electric vehicles compared to those powered by combustion engines. 

The advantages of EV company cars for both businesses and employees in 2024 include: 

Emission-based tax benefits  

Businesses may offer employee salary sacrifice schemes in return for an electric company car with zero emissions as it delivers substantial savings through tax benefits. Instead of calculating emissions, tax rates are fixed for all electric company cars, so businesses won’t pay Class 1 National Insurance contributions on the salary given up, but 1A National Insurance on the lower amount of benefit in kind instead. 

Unlike other so-called benefits in kind such as mobile phones or health insurance, income tax charges for electric cars aren’t based on foregone wages, but rather a percentage of the car’s list price as defined by HMRC. For fully electric vehicles, the rate is 2% until 2024/25 rising by a further 1% each year until 2027/28 when it will freeze at 5% which remains substantially less than the taxable value of a petrol or diesel car.  

VAT savings 

Another tax benefit of electric company cars is that employers can recover any VAT incurred for employees who charge vehicles at work or at public charge points. At present, HMRC states that this doesn’t apply to employees who charge their company EV at home, and they are not entitled to recoup any VAT for business use. 

Purchase price discounts 

Employees who enter an EV salary sacrifice scheme in the workplace can take advantage of potential discounts on the purchase price compared to buying the car outright. Most dealers and manufacturers are crying out for guaranteed buyers for their electric fleets and are likely to entice new customers with significant cost savings and attractive packages. 

Zero congestion charges 

Any employee driving an electric company car will be exempt from paying congestion charges in the UK where they apply. Similarly, company EV drivers don’t have to pay Clean Air Zone charges which are currently in force in Birmingham, Bristol, Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, and Glasgow and will soon roll out across other towns and cities. Company EVs are also exempt from London’s ULEZ charges which currently stand at £12.50 per day for vehicles that don’t meet the strict emissions criteria.  

The Cons of EV Company Cars 

Electric company cars provide many benefits for businesses and employees, but there are also disadvantages to consider. From a reduction in take-home salary to limited vehicle options, the drawbacks to driving a company EV include the following: 

Lower take-home salary and pension contributions 

While salary sacrifice schemes can be financially beneficial for employees, they also mean a reduction in take-home salary. This is because the cost of the EV is deducted before National Insurance contributions and taxes apply, potentially leaving workers with less money and a smaller budget at the end of each month. Similarly, salary sacrifice schemes can also negatively impact workplace pensions as a reduction in gross salary means lower pension contributions. This could have long-term implications for an employee’s retirement pot and affect their future financial security. 

Mortgage and loan challenges 

Any reduction in take-home salary resulting from a salary sacrifice scheme could harm an employee’s ability to secure a mortgage and limit their borrowing capacity for loans. Mortgage providers generally base their rules around lending on an employee’s income and monthly expenses. Therefore, a lower take-home salary could be detrimental for employees looking to secure a mortgage or loan or affect the terms of interest they are offered. 

Limited electric car selection 

Those who enter an electric company car salary sacrifice scheme are unlikely to have an unlimited choice of vehicles. Most employers will have a contract or arrangement with specific manufacturers, giving employees a smaller selection of makes and models of EVs to choose from. Not only that, but some employees may also find they are responsible for the upkeep of their company electric car under the terms and conditions of their salary sacrifice scheme. As a result, the employee could be liable for all servicing, repairs, insurance fees, and ongoing costs which could reduce the financial and tax benefits of a salary sacrifice scheme. 

Penalties for early scheme exit 

Many EV salary sacrifice schemes offer limited flexibility when employees leave the scheme early or do not meet the pre-agreed terms of the agreement. There are many reasons why this may happen such as workplace changes or new business ownership, but employees are often charged fees or penalties for exiting a scheme early. Also, when an employee changes jobs they may want to transfer their salary sacrifice scheme to their new employer. However, this solely depends on the agreement in place between the employer and the scheme provider and may not always be possible. 

Overall, electric company car sacrifice schemes can deliver many benefits for both businesses and employees including tax savings and discounts on purchase prices, lower running and maintenance costs, and zero emission charges. However, EV salary sacrifice schemes can also cause a reduction in take-home salary, penalties for early exits, and limited vehicle choice. Therefore, it is essential to weigh up the pros and cons of any electric company car salary sacrifice scheme to fully understand the obligations and limitations involved with switching from fossil-fuel vehicles to EVs. 

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