Why is forgiveness so important for entrepreneurial success?
“Really successful business owners can separate themselves from what’s been done to them and take 100 percent of the responsibility for their part in the story. When you can then see and accept your part in the nightmare, the answers to your problems will come.”
“When you become mired in blame and anger, you are highly likely to repeat your mistakes, ignore the red flags surrounding your choices, and basically fail as an admirable leader.”
~ Shawne Duperon
Shawne Duperon is a six-time Emmy Award-winning producer, international speaker, the creator of The Project Forgive Foundation. According to Shawne, from her own experience, here’s the three gifts she got granted when she put forgiveness first:
> Confidence – “With this notion of forgiveness, I became able to promote without shame, and my confidence level grew. Now I’m powerful in my sharing, and I can make a difference in my company and the world.”
> Perseverance – “My ability to keep going, keep asking for help, and continue to take emotional risks stems from my capacity to grieve my losses and forgive myself. When I got rejected by prospective investors for instance, shame would pop up and stop my progress…until I allowed myself to grieve the loss.”
> Responsibility – “The fact is that every drama that’s created in our business we generate ourselves. When a leader finally gets that, that’s where the powerful success comes from.”
Who do you need to forgive?
Forgive them today, send them love, and set yourself free.
And to achieve your greatest success? The most important person to forgive is yourself: ”Forgiving yourself is one of the hardest things to do.”
When you forgive your own failures, you stop beating yourself up on what could have been, and free yourself to look forward to what will be.
“Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.” ~ Desmond Tutu