Tips for Your Business

Making Your Business Greener!



We all have a commitment to try to be a little bit greener in order to help with the climate crisis, but how exactly do you make your business greener? This article will explore some of the simple changes you can make in your business to not only save money, but also make your business more environmentally friendly.

Go Virtual

One of the best ways to make your business more environmentally friendly is to take it online. Let’s face it, since the pandemic, more and more businesses have moved at least some of their operations online, and in general, they have found they have saved money and that their workforce is more productive. So, it’s really a win-win solution.

Closing a physical office is going to save you a lot of money, and online meeting platforms like Zoom are a fantastic alternative to in-person meetings. But you may be wondering how the logistics of it work. One smart way to do it is to utilize a virtual mail address. This is essentially a mailbox address that is hosted by a company on your behalf, so to your customer, it still looks as though you have a physical mailbox address. In reality, the provider is lending you an address and then forwarding all mail to you.

Such a mailbox address service is cost-effective and a huge saving on rent. One great company that offers a mailbox with an address is This company has different package options so there will be something to fit your company’s needs. Using this company is also going to offer you an additional level of privacy and security as you are not giving out your actual location. This is a huge benefit if you are in a business where cash or valuables would have been on-site, as this could potentially make you a target.

You can also make your billing and paperwork digital wherever possible. This is not only going to reduce paper and ink costs and be better for the environment but it’s also going to make your life much easier as you will be able to easily access data whenever you need it.


Finding green suppliers used to be a challenge; however, more and more businesses are attempting to make their services more environmentally friendly. Try where possible to use local produce/suppliers as this will reduce your carbon footprint in terms of travel. Also, consider what packaging your supplier uses, and do they recycle?


You can also recycle yourself to reduce waste. Use paper bags rather than plastic, recycle any paper and packaging, and purchase reusable or refillable items where possible, such as ink cartridges.

Making your business greener and more sustainable can only be a good thing for the environment. But it also has additional benefits in terms of money saving, so it’s well worth taking the time to consider how you can go greener with your business. Having an eco-friendly business is also proven to increase sales and be a bigger hit with customers.


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