
Voice launching a carbon neutral NFT platform to help creators get discovered



Continuing with its mission to empower creatives, Voice has designed an environmentally friendly NFT platform to help emerging creators to get discovered.

“NFTs help us fulfill the promise of the internet, where every creator can find their 1,000 true fans,” said Voice CEO Salah Zalatimo. “By building on eosio, we are proud to offer carbon neutral NFTs that are free to mint for all creators.”

The first Voice NFTs will launch via its NFT Residency program. The program is curated by visionaries in arts and culture: Kimberly Drew, Alexander Gilkes, Misan Harriman, Brittany Kaiser, Chad Knight and Azu Nwagbogu. The program’s theme ‘Raise Our Voice’ reflects the power of NFTs to lift up emerging creators to create works of self-expression.

“I am honored to be able to dedicate this summer to learning more about NFTs alongside an incredible and diverse team of artists, technologists and curators,” said Drew.

Residents work directly with the Voice technology team to launch their NFTs and inform key components of the Voice platform for launch.

The Voice platform is currently in private testing, with a public beta launching summer 2021 with the first drops from its NFT Residency program.


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