
The Next Green Must-Have: Showers that Utilize Recycled Water



Consider the advantages of taking a long, hot shower without wasting any water or power in the process.

The promise of a recirculating shower installation is an ecologically friendly shower that continuously filters, sterilizes, and recycles water that would otherwise be flushed down the toilet. According to the devices’ manufacturers, the technology has the potential to reduce water use by up to 90 percent and energy consumption by up to 80 percent when compared to taking a regular shower.

According to the company’s CEO, Troels Grene, the company is working to address two of the world’s most critical issues: climate change and water shortages. His explanation: “We’re doing it without sacrificing the showering pleasure”. 

An increasing push to make buildings more sustainable and resilient to climate change is behind the high-tech showers, which sell for between $4,000 and $6,000 and are available for purchase online. It is possible to purchase them in a range of colours and patterns. Homes have been turned into power stations by the installation of solar panels and battery storage, much like rainwater tanks, recirculating showers, and greywater systems have been transformed into water treatment (penapis air) and recycling plants by the installation of greywater systems.

The expectation that local public health officials will be cautious about these types of things is reasonable given the fact that, in certain situations, they may be concerned about the possibility that various types of infections could exist in the recycled water system if a unit is not functioning properly.

Water purifiers Flow Loop claims that their ultraviolet (UV) treatments eliminate 99.99 percent of germs, whilst Orbital says that its ultraviolet (UV) treatment creates “even cleaner water than the water that comes out of the tap.”


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