
This FREE eBook is for every woman who wants to defeat office politics and make it to the top in the world of business



Work space politics and gender based discrimination are some of the major reasons which preclude a large number of women from realizing their true potentials. A to Z of Power for Women in Business: The essential guide for any woman who is battling office politics and the boys clubs that still permeate business today is the recent book written by Charlotte Montgomery which aims to tackle this issue.

Talking with Times of Startups, Charlotte said that the even though the chances of success for both men and women at the beginning of their careers are same, with time, office politics and gender biased work environments make it increasingly harder for women to succeed.

” Every woman who is navigating unfair office politics at work pose themselves with a lot of questions. Will they like me? Am I not good enough? Is it my personality? Is there just something about me? Am I not management material? Do my subordinates not respect me, is that the problem? Women may also feel overlooked and grow cynical seeing senior roles being filled within her organisation with men and women far less qualified and experienced than her.” she added.

“As a career and business coach, these are the musings I hear most from my clients. From a certain cohort of my clients. Most of the women I meet are strong, talented, motivated, kind, polite, plays fair and expects the world to do the same. But they rarely get a chance to get ahead. This book is a short read that provides essential tips and tricks for you if you are tired of being overlooked for promotions and want to get the success you deserve! And fast!”.

The book is available for free for now here. You can also reach out to the author here.


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