
Looking to Make a Career Change? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions



Are you stuck in a career that feels like the wrong fit? Whether you aren’t excelling as quickly as you’d hoped or feel a sense of dread at the thought of heading to work each morning, landing in a career rut is far from uncommon—in fact, more than half of all Americans report being unhappy with their jobs. 

There are a variety of reasons for wanting to make a career change. Our interests, goals and priorities change and shift over time, and it’s possible that the dream role you took five or ten years ago simply isn’t the best match anymore. Or, maybe it was never the right match and you’re finally ready to do something about it. Whatever the reason may be, making a career pivot is entirely achievable. If you’re looking for startup jobs in Dallas, make sure to look for a job that matches your passion, career goals and interests. With the right strategies and a solid action plan, you can align yourself with a new career vision that’s more suited to your interests and values. 

To help you sort through the mental clutter and get realistic about the type of roles that you should pursue, there are a few helpful questions you can ask yourself. 

1. What have you learned from your past jobs?

While you may feel like you wasted a lot of time in roles you didn’t love, don’t be so quick to write off the time you put in—there’s a lot of value in the experience even if you didn’t enjoy it. Why? Because it gives you insight into understanding what you don’t want in a job. 

Take some time to carefully evaluate your past or current positions. Make a list of pros and cons, and get specific. You might list things specific to the duties you were responsible for, the company culture, the physical office environment, what your work hours were like, pay, etc.—the sky’s the limit.  Figure out what it is about each item on your list that you liked or disliked, and use it to guide you towards a role that aligns with what you know you do and don’t enjoy or value. 

2. What job would you do for free? 

This question helps you think about your career in the context of what you genuinely enjoy doing. Ask yourself: if money were no object, what job would you choose? While salary is certainly an important factor in determining the right career, it can be easy to let that factor alone determine the types of jobs we pursue. This question is great to get you thinking creatively about different jobs that truly excite you and can get you headed in the right direction. 

3. What makes you happy? 

While this might seem like an obvious question, you’d be surprised how often it gets thrown out the window when it comes to a career. Take the time to self reflect and get honest with yourself: what truly makes you feel content? 

What fuels you, motivates you, or gives you purpose? Can you think of the times in life you’ve been the happiest? What were you doing? Who were you with? Thinking deeply and critically about these types of questions offers valuable insight into the types of positions that can complement your life and fuel your passions. 

Making a career change can feel daunting, or even impossible. But the first step is simply believing it’s possible. Take care to remind yourself that there’s truly no shortage of job opportunities out there, and there’s nothing stopping you from finding one. With a commitment to yourself and a plan of action, making the switch to a more fulfilling career well within reach! 



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