
Is Imposter Syndrome Affecting Your Business Decisions?



Have you ever felt like a fraud everytime you walk into a meeting? Or, that you don’t deserve the investors and opportunities that come your way? This overarching feeling over self-doubt that overcomes you more often than not is called the imposter syndrome. Turns out, 70 percent of millennials deal with this same thing. Not only does this deter you from reaching their goals, it also takes a toll on your business decisions and confidence when asked the hard questions about your business. 


Oddly enough, even the highest of achievers, like Serena Williams and Tom Hanks, deal with the same extreme case of self-doubt.


This extreme self-doubt may stop you from chasing after your highest business goals and allow you to feel proud of how far you’ve already come. Yet, you are worthy of your achievements. You’ve put in the time, sweat, and tears into your business. 

This syndrome may deter you from reaching your biggest business goals. If you think you may be dealing with imposter syndrome, Mint created an infographic explaining the different types, how each type may affect your finances, and tips to overcoming it. Push past your self-doubt and push past to conquer anything you put your mind to!



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