
In this Interview, Kieron talks about living a laptop lifestyle and the myths and realities behind making money online



Kieron is a Digital Marketing expert living a life many envy. He is living a life which many refer to as Laptop lifestyle.

Laptop lifestyle, according to Kieron, is the ability and freedom to travel to places you like and work from wherever you are without being tied to an office. In this Interview, Kieron tells us what inspired him to start his entrepreneurial journey and how with hard work and after being equipped with the right skill set, making money online can be a reality.

Kindly describe your journey as an entrepreneur so far.

We put our time and money and hustle every day. This takes us away from our families and our freedom to do whatever we dream. I worked for more than 5 years slowly working my way up the ladder, the higher I got, the more stressful it became.
This was the moment I decided to research other ways and methods of generating a good income, I desperately wanted freedom and to be able to spend more time with family.

What according to you is financial freedom?

Financial freedom isn’t all about the money you get, its about how you spend that money. Not having to worry about paying your bills when you’re in a different country, not having to worry about what your next paycheck will be.

What are some of the myths around making money online?

A lot of people think that schemes like these are get rich quick schemes. While many claim to be exactly that, we do not. Our training system takes hardwork, dedication and determination. Unlike a lot of other schemes, we actually offer 1 on 1 guidance throughout your time as a Change member.

You have helped several individuals escape their 9-5 routine. How easy or difficult it is to achieve this freedom? What are some of the most important things one should keep in mind before starting an online venture?

It all depends on how much work you want to put in. We actually see many people apply to the “Inner Circle” membership, which is our highest right now and we often reject people because they will message us saying “I want a Lamborghini” or “I want to be rich”. This isn’t the attitude, you will have to take some falls to make this work but if you DO put in the right amount of work, you WILL succeed in this industry.

Online marketing, dropshipping, and affiliate marketing, if done right, can yield tremendous financial results. Tell us something more about these tools for making money online.

These tools are incredible and although popular, there is still a lot of money to be made in the online world. People often think you need to be this really highly-skilled businessman to make money online when in reality, you actually need to learn a certain skillset (which we teach).

Any business needs time for it to establish. This holds true for any online business too. However, many people give up too early after entering the online ecosystem. What are your views on this aspect of online success? In your experience, do you think that people lack patience when it comes to making money online?

Yes definitely. But I don’t think this is necessarily that person’s fault most of the time. A lot of the training systems out there claim to help the person become rich within a week or two and therefore a lot of people set expectations too high. I had to step out of my comfort zone to make this thing work, you have to step out of your comfort zone or it just will not work how you thought of.

What would be your suggestion to someone who is planning to start an independent online venture?

If you’re planning on starting an online venture, make sure you reach out to the right people. Make sure you put in the hard work. Don’t let small downfalls get you down, this is to be expected. We have all gone through them but once you get past them and start seeing results, it really can change your life. We at Change want to help you, reach out to us and let us show you what can be done.


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