
Interview with Shimira Cole, author of The Revelation Begins



Shimira Cole is a leading Christian Fantasy storyteller and the author of The Revelation Begins, a novel which she recently published. We recently sat down with her to talk about her novel and her initiative Post-College Rehab.

Shimira, Thank you for your time. What inspired you to write The Revelation begins?

I am a writer creative who enjoys telling stories about real-life situations, but with a twist of fantasy and an ambiguous imagination. I have created, directed, and co-wrote a web series pilot called, Why We Pray. I‘ve created and wrote a short film called, Hear My Son, in London, UK. Also, I’ve worked as a film & TV development assistant for various Hollywood production companies for more than three years, which taught me the power of storytelling. What inspired me to write this book was the growing desire to share God’s word through media. The Revelation Begins is an adventurous novel that teaches and shows God’s love through a different lens. The characters are aspiring scientist, so their perception of God is unique.

Wellington’s character in your book, in many ways, tells us the story of a regular, good-hearted person who wants to bring positive changes in the world but is confronted with obstacles in the way. What lessons can a common man draw from Wellington’s character?

Wellington is a unique character. He holds characteristic like any common person in life who desires fame, fortune or who desires recognition for their good work. Even though Wellington loses faith in God, God’s plan is non-void. God‘s plan is unfolding, and Wellington quickly learns how to trust God again so that he can be a part of something great. What people can take away is trust, faith, and prayer. And that God will send signs of restoration and instructions for their life.

In your book, you beautifully highlight how faith and mercy can turn around things for people. How important do you think faith, humbleness and mercy are for Entrepreneurial Success?

Faith and Mercy are very important for success. “Faith without works is dead.” James 2V14-26 talks about it and it is one of the best advice to meditate on daily. If we have HOPE and FAITH to accomplish a business venture, then that business will form in our spirit, and who knows where it may lead. Mercy gives each person an equal opportunity to be humble and grateful for the small accomplishments, and for allowing mistakes and our sins to be learning experiences. Most of all, for understanding that repentance can become a much bigger reward.

Tell us more about your initiative Post-College Rehab. is a blog I’d started when I first moved to Hollywood. I guess I was so drained and stressed out about finding a job that I started a blog to vent. Soon, I realized that I was not alone and there were people like me, but who had masters and doctorate degrees and still could not find a job. Now, Post College Rehab shares post-college related video and articles for the newbies entering the after college life world. I want to stress that PCR is only for people who have been out of college for at least 2 years, and beyond. Why? Because most of them are too old for programs or not experienced enough for entry-level jobs.

How important is storytelling for you?

I’ve been telling stories my whole life. My childhood, my friends always told me that I was great at telling stories, however, I started to believe it in College when had to script scripts for class. Now, storytelling is a part of me like a hand and a foot. It’s my DNA, and my outlet to express who I am.

What suggestions you would like to give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

I am a multi-tasker and Jack-of-all-trades. We all want different streams of income, but I will say focus on ONE business entirely. I have started a lot of businesses ventures, but each one is not fully functional yet, being 50% or 20% completed over a course of a few years. It is okay to start a business to plant the seed, but make sure you are focusing 100% on the first business to get it functional before splitting your time between the two, three, or four business ideas. I am currently writing book two called, The Revelation Begins with Another Earth. This book will be out late or early December.


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