Guest Post

The Art of Gift Giving in the Business World



Whether the holiday season is approaching or it’s your business partner’s birthday, you might be wondering what type of a gift you should choose. Obviously, the rules aren’t the same as when you’re choosing a gift for your best friend or a family member. Usually, getting a gift for someone in the business world requires a lot more thinking. So, how exactly do you give a gift in the business world? Read on to find out.

Knowing when to do it

One of the most important things you need to know about gift giving is when exactly you should do it. Gift giving with absolutely no reason may not always be a good idea and thinking about it twice is recommended. For instance, in some countries business gifts are considered inappropriate unless there’s a real reason for it. Some of the most common occasions to give gifts to your employees or business partners include weddings, birthdays, holidays and project completions.

Picking up the right gift

While knowing when to give gifts isn’t easy, picking up the right gift for an employee or business partner can be even more difficult. Knowing exactly what everyone’s hobbies and interests are isn’t an option and you can never be sure you’ve got the exact item they wanted. And, since giving unwanted gifts can be extremely awkward, opting for something else is a much better idea. Luckily, there are some things that make a perfect gift for either a colleague or business partner. For example, qualitychess sets always make a great gift and so do porcelain figurines. Fine artworks can also be a great option.

Avoiding marketing

Some people enjoy using the occasion to promote their organization and you might be tempted to do the same. However, things with your business name and logo aren’t really a gift – they’re a marketing piece. So, when getting a gift for a business partner or an important client, make sure you avoid anything that has your company’s mark. They’ll appreciate a real gift a lot more and you can use a different opportunity to send them your company’s promotional products. Instead, be creative when picking the gift and you can be assured the recipient will like it better.

Going for quality

Probably the last thing you want to do when buying a business gift is be cheap. Even if you don’t think so, the recipient will know the difference between a cheap and quality item. This means that being cheap when buying them a gift means the gift will probably end up in trash. Going for quality is even more important if you want to show everyone that everything in your business is “first class.” With the power of internet, finding quality gifts you can have delivered at your doorstep should be a real piece of cake.

Acknowledging business gifts

We talked about giving gifts in the business world but what happens when you receive one. It’s critical that you know how to acknowledge a good gift from a colleague and show them just how much you appreciate their effort. A foolproof way to do this is to write a thank you note or buy them a card. During the holiday season, make sure you don’t just rely on your memory as you’ll probably receive plenty of gifts and you might forget about someone. Keep a list of thank you notes you’re supposed to write or write them as soon as you open your gifts.

Final thoughts

Even though picking up the right gift isn’t always easy, things aren’t as difficult as they may seem. Follow this guide and there’s no doubt you’ll pick the ideal gift next time you’re supposed to do it. The most important thing to have in mind is that there are some general rules involved as well as some gifts you can simply never go wrong with.


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