In this Interview, Timi Orosz talks about spirituality, mindfulness, and how spirituality can avert major global conflicts


Timi Orosz is the founder of Connect One Marketing. Her mission is to help ‘humanity evolve’. Timi is an ex-CEO and founded Connect One Marketing to merge her spiritual knowledge with her love for making businesses thrive. Below is the full interview with Timi Orosz.

Timi, thank you so much for doing this. Can a person be spiritual without adhering to any religious belief system?

Thank you for having me. Absolutely yes. Being spiritual doesn’t mean being religious. Spirituality is a state of self-awareness and a sense of connection to others or some kind of source. 

When you are spiritual, you are consciously seeking the meaning and purpose of your existence.

While some people find it useful to follow certain religions to help them figure out their own purpose, it is not a required approach to elevate your self-awareness. 

People who are more self-aware, tend to understand the impact of their decisions and actions which leads to better decision-making. As you become more confident in your aligned decisions, you also become more open to new opportunities in your life. 

What are some of the goals one strives to achieve through spirituality?

The biggest question that crosses most of our minds is: what am I here for? What is my purpose? As human beings, we want to understand the core existential questions. 

Besides this common pondering process, spirituality is also an excellent tool to become more confident, more empathetic, more understandable, and more conscious about our life experiences. 

I personally wanted to understand how my mind works, what drives me internally as a person. Where is my engine and what sort of fuel does it need? I had this thirst for knowledge and information to be able to make a positive impact on the world and the people around me. 

Keeping the ongoing Ukrainian situation in mind, do you believe that some of the major conflicts in this world could have been avoided if the political leaders were spiritually awakened. How can spirituality lead to a peaceful world?

When you are more developed spiritually, you still have a choice to make. Do you choose to use your knowledge, your power, and your energy to create value in the world or to destroy it? 

While I’d love to say that if political leaders were more spiritually aware, we’d have a peaceful world to live in. Unfortunately, this is not the case. For example, I can decide to use social media to inspire and empower other people or I can create a disturbance, generate fear and anger. The choice is mine. 

Creating a peaceful world will need to start with bettering ourselves firsts. We must identify our inner traumas, patterns and negative behaviours first to be able to consciously work through them to improve ourselves. Spiritual development is not all namaste and love & light but in fact, it’s deep inner work that transforms you as a person over the months, years, decades. In my view, all world leaders should be made to go through mandatory therapy, emotional and spiritual healing to understand themselves better and to become more empathetic. If that was the scenario, I truly believe that more global conflicts could be avoided.  

Many argue that spirituality, emotional healing etc, . are the phrases reserved for ‘rich folks’. To a hungry individual in a war-torn country and for people living below the poverty line, such phrases sound empty and have no meaning. What’s your response?

Personally, I met the most spiritually aware people in poor regions of the world. When I first visited Sri Lanka, I had eye-opening experiences there that made me re-evaluate my own principles and priorities. Some people that I crossed paths with, witnessed extreme violence during the civil war or lost everything during the tsunami in 2004, including their loved ones. Yet, these people managed to shift their mindsets and instead of feeling sorry for themselves, they started appreciating life more. 

Also, there is absolutely no reason to get attached to certain phrases like emotional healing or spirituality. The process matters the most, not the title. If someone has an epiphany during a meditation retreat or by having a simple conversation with a stranger at the bus stop, they can both lead to personal improvement. 

Everyone has a different journey and we need to understand this. We are not meant to be evolving and growing at the same pace or by following the same routes. Each of us has a different path to walk and lessons to learn. 

What is mindfulness? What’s the relevance of Mindfulness in Business?

In simple terms, mindfulness is a state of awareness of what’s happening around us as we experience it. Mindfulness is not magic or mystical. It’s our ability to focus on our present moment and not allow our minds to race into imaginary scenarios that haven’t happened yet. Obviously, it has a long list of benefits for our personal lives and our physical & mental wellbeing, however, it also brings a tremendous amount of value to our businesses. 

For example. Mindful employees and business owners can deliver outstanding customer experience because they are fully present of that customer, right in front of them. Just think about a time when you were buying something in person or over the phone and the employee seemed like they weren’t even listening to what you were saying. How mindful were they in that moment? How did they make you feel during those few minutes?

Mindfulness in business not only brings benefits to your customers but also boosts your own productivity. When you have a never-ending list of tasks to do, you can turn to mindfulness techniques to help you focus better without feeling overwhelmed and stressed. This is especially useful for entrepreneurs and managers as in addition to the responsibilities they have, they also want to be delivering results without burning themselves out. Mindfulness can help them remove the distractions in a gentle way while increasing their awareness of the activity they are actually doing. 

Carolin Petterson
Carolin Petterson
Carolin Petterson is a Business Lady/Content Marketer and contributor for number of high-class business and marketing websites.

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