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Preparing to Start Your Small Business



Preparing to Start Your Small Business

There’s no doubt we’re currently living through a vibrant era for small businesses. Boutique software as a service (SaaS) companies can forge lucrative relationships with large corporations. Even mom and pop stores can build omnichannel retail spaces with access to a global marketplace. As an entrepreneur, you also have great knowledge and resources at your disposal. 

Yet, for all these benefits of our contemporary digital age, starting your enterprise isn’t necessarily easy. Without the right preparation, commitment, and tools you may still find your burgeoning company struggling to get by. Indeed, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), only around half of all new businesses make it to the 5-year mark. As such, you must take steps to make a solid start.

We’ll run through a few of the primary areas you should be focusing on.

Start Learning

You may have expert knowledge in a specialist area. But this doesn’t always mean you know how to transform your ideas into a successful small enterprise. Even when you get started, there are aspects to understand before you’re able to achieve significant growth. Committing to some education can be an important step in preparing a positive start for your business.   

Formal education can be an option before or during your preparatory process. Taking a master of business administration (MBA) course can help you to explore corporate principles that are essential for a smooth start. You’ll have opportunities to learn about the step-by-step processes you should take in the lead-up to your opening. This includes the methods to perform market research and take care of your legal and regulatory responsibilities. Perhaps most importantly, it’s a good forum to make educational contacts. Alongside your course tutors, you’re likely to find mentors and other entrepreneurs who can give you insights into starting a business.

A master’s degree can be a lengthy undertaking — but, as valuable as it can be, it isn’t the only approach. You should commit to gaining some independent business knowledge as well. You need to understand what the risks of creating your startup might be, such as technological risks like cybersecurity or even the risks of starting a business with members of your family. Family businesses pose unique risks such as communication issues if members get into non-business arguments that spill over into work. You will have to consider if these risks will be too great to your startup to go into business with certain family members.

Keep Organized

We live at a time in which technological tools for organization are widely available for most tasks. There is a range of cloud-based project management platforms on the market. These can help you and any staff you have to keep all the planning and daily tasks of your business visible at all times. These are often compatible with communication and storage tools. It can also be wise to adopt digital documentation practices to both reduce the amount of paperwork and streamline processing. This can allow you to track and store your invoices and also make sure contracts are signed securely. Your focus here is also on clear naming and storage protocols so documents can be accessed easily when needed.  

While some organizational procedures are practical for starting a business, others are a matter of legislation. You are required by federal and state regulations to maintain certain types of documentation. This will include financial issues, like employee pension details. It could also involve supporting documentation to back up any marketing claims should the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) require it. Working with experts in this area — usually accountants and lawyers — can be a solid step to making sure you have everything organized and accessible when needed.    

Build Your Profile

Our digital landscape offers a significant amount of accessibility for new entrepreneurs. This gives you some great assets as a small business owner. However, it’s worth bearing in mind these opportunities are open to a lot of other entrepreneurs, too. It’s a vibrant global marketplace out there, but this means you have a lot of competition in whatever industry you’re joining. This means you need to start building your profile as part of your preparations.

Don’t treat marketing as something you need to handle after you’ve opened. You will usually find your approach will be far more practical if you immediately start arranging the tools you need. Spending too much too soon is one of the key mistakes new business owners make, so keep your costs low here. Build your own website, create some simple brand assets, and do some keyword research for search engine optimization (SEO). Start creating content that your audience will find both informative and entertaining.   

Once you have the tools in place, work to create some buzz. Create a countdown to get the public interested and engage with you on the day you open. Interact with consumers and followers, and focus on the quality of these relationships. This helps to make sure not only they engage with your launch but keep doing so in the years beyond. Be sure to create a forum for review sharing; customers want to know what experiences others have had with your brand and share their own. Automate this feature so you aren’t spending hours auditing and posting these reviews to your website. This is yet another means of connecting with your customers.


It’s an exciting time to start a new small business. To be successful, though, it is important to put investment and effort into your business education and building your skills. Implementing organizational tools and techniques can stop your operations from drifting into chaos along the way. Remember, an early approach to marketing may build momentum to help your company to thrive. These kinds of preparation can take your burgeoning small enterprise to greater heights.  

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Adoption of Automation in Small Business: Opportunities and Challenges



Automation in Small Business

As the business world continues to evolve at a rapid pace, small enterprises are facing an imperative to optimize their operations and increase their efficiency. One of the most promising solutions to achieving this is incorporating automation technologies. Automation can encompass many applications, from automating repetitive and mundane tasks to streamlining complex business processes, thus providing small businesses with many advantages. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that adopting automation is challenging and that a thorough assessment of the opportunities and drawbacks must be conducted before implementation. Engage with the experts at IT Support Shreveport to implement automation in your small business.

In this blog, we will explore the types of automation and the opportunities and challenges of adopting automation for small businesses.

Types of Automation Technology

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer system to mimic human intelligence. AI can automate many tasks, from data analysis to customer service. For small businesses, AI can automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry, and improve the efficiency of business processes, such as inventory management. Additionally, AI can be used to analyze customer data and make personalized recommendations, which can help small businesses to improve their targeting and increase sales.

  1. Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is a subset of AI that allows systems to learn and improve from experience. Machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze data and make predictions, which can be applied in many areas, from customer service to marketing. For example, for small businesses, ML can be used to analyze customer data and make personalized recommendations, which can help small businesses to improve their targeting and increase sales. Additionally, ML can be used to optimize business processes, such as inventory management, and improve tasks’ accuracy and consistency, such as quality control.

  1. Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects physical devices and machines to the internet, allowing them to collect and share data. As a result, IoT can automate many tasks, from monitoring and controlling equipment to tracking inventory. For small businesses automation, IoT can be used to improve the efficiency of business processes, such as inventory management, and to improve the accuracy and consistency of tasks, such as quality control. IoT can also improve customer service and engagement by providing small businesses with real-time data on customer behavior and preferences.

Opportunities of Automation in Small Businesses

Automation technology can provide small businesses with a range of benefits that can improve their operations, increase efficiency and drive growth.

  1. Increased Productivity and Efficiency

One of the most significant opportunities of automation is the ability to increase productivity and efficiency. Automation can take over repetitive and mundane tasks, such as data entry and scheduling, freeing employees to focus on more high-value activities. Additionally, automation can streamline business processes and improve workflow, increasing efficiency. For example, a small business that automates its inventory management can reduce the time and resources needed to track and manage stock levels.

  1. Reduced Costs

Another major opportunity of automation is the ability to reduce costs. For example, automation can help small businesses to save on labor costs by reducing the need for human employees to perform specific tasks. Additionally, automation can reduce the cost of errors and mistakes, as automated systems are less prone to human error. For example, a small business that automates its accounting processes can reduce the time and resources needed to manage its finances, leading to significant cost savings.

  1. Improved Accuracy and Consistency

Automation can also help small businesses improve their operations’ accuracy and consistency. Automated systems can be programmed to follow specific rules and procedures, ensuring that tasks are performed consistently and accurately. This can be a major benefit for small businesses that need to maintain a high level of quality control, such as those in the manufacturing or healthcare industries.

  1. Increased Scalability

Automation can also help small businesses to scale their operations more efficiently. Automated systems can handle a larger volume of tasks and workload than humans, allowing small businesses to expand their operations without hiring additional employees. This can be particularly beneficial for small businesses looking to grow their customer base or expand into new markets.

Challenges of Automation in Small Businesses

While automation can provide small businesses with a range of opportunities, it also poses challenges that must be considered. In this section, we will explore some key challenges small companies may face when implementing automation.

  1. Integration and Implementation Costs

One of the biggest challenges of automation is the cost of integration and implementation. Automation technologies can be costly, and small businesses may not have the resources to invest in them. Integrating automation into existing systems and processes can also be complex and time-consuming. This requires small businesses to invest in specialized expertise and resources, which can be costly.

  1. Potential Loss of Jobs

Another significant challenge of automation is the potential loss of jobs. Automation can reduce the need for human employees to perform specific tasks, leading to job losses. This can be a main challenge for small businesses with a limited workforce, and they may need more resources to retrain and upskill employees for new roles.

  1. Retraining and Upskilling of Employees

Automation also requires small businesses to retrain and upskill employees to adapt to new technologies and processes. Small businesses with limited budgets and resources cannot afford to retain their employees. Additionally, employees may resist change and require additional support and guidance during the transition process.

  1. Cybersecurity Concerns

Finally, automation also poses cybersecurity concerns. Automated systems and processes are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which can cause significant damage to small businesses. Small businesses may not have the resources to implement robust cybersecurity measures, which can leave them at risk. Furthermore, small businesses may need to gain the expertise to detect and respond to cyber-attacks, making them more vulnerable to attacks.


Adopting automation in small businesses can provide a range of benefits, from increased productivity and efficiency to reduced costs and improved accuracy and consistency. However, it is essential for small companies to carefully weigh the potential opportunities and challenges before implementing automation. In addition, it is vital for small businesses to have a clear understanding of the automation technologies available and their specific advantages and limitations and to ensure that they have the necessary resources and capabilities to implement and maintain automation systems. Ultimately, the key to successful automation adoption in small businesses is careful planning, strategic thinking, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Post courtesy: Nettech LLC, Premium IT Solutions for Businesses in Louisiana.

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Small Business

How Does SR&ED Help Small Businesses?



How Does SR&ED help small business

A business must be innovating to stay caught up with a competitor. To compete with others, a small business can use R&D to support growth, profitability, marketability, branding, and more. Yet, R&D is expensive. For a small business to conduct its self-funded R&D, there’s no guarantee you will arrive at the result you expect.

In addition, it’s hard economic times right now for businesses. If you’re a novice entrepreneur or small business owner, operational costs have increased and inventory is more expensive. As such, every source of funding or financial assistance is important.

The Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) program is designed to help businesses of all shapes and sizes, supporting innovation and research in Canada. SRED provides you with some financial support to chase your creativity. As an entrepreneur, you can use the funding to flesh out ideas and theorize new products or processes. SR&ED supports all types of businesses and a wide range of products or processes, although there is a strict criterion.

Have a little assistance and use SR&ED funding to help innovate within your company’s context. Let’s learn about how SR&ED helps small businesses:

What is the SR&ED program?

The SR&ED program is massive. Every year, more than $3 billion in tax incentives are given out. More than 20,000 claimants are rewarded every year, with approximately 75% of these small businesses. SR&ED helps your business by giving you the same advantage, so many others are already tapping into.

If you qualify for SR&ED support, you can pool deductible SR&ED expenditures and reduce your net income for tax purposes. This can dramatically impact how much taxes a small business must pay and can even be applied to future earnings if you choose.

SR&ED Expenditures

There is a limit on what you can qualify for under the SR&ED criteria but what you claim is fairly expansive.

  • Salaries and wages of employees directly engaged in SR&ED work are eligible. All amounts must be paid in the tax year or within 180 days of the tax year-end.
  • Overhead costs and related expenditures relating to SR&ED activities can be claimed.
  • Contracts used to secure the services of a contractor to perform SR&ED work are eligible.
  • Materials bought and used for an SR&ED project are included under expenditures.
  • Third-party payments done to contribute to the results of an SR&ED project are included.

Depending on your business type, you can receive non-refundable and refundable investment tax credits (ITCs). Though there is a formula, the total ITCs received are 15-35% of qualified SR&ED expenditures.

SR&ED Funding

How ITCs work in the SR&ED program is that you can reduce income tax payable in the current year, carry them back to past tax returns for up to three years, and carry them forward up to 20 years. It’s up to you to decide how to maximize the benefits of your investment tax credits. For excess ITCs in the current year, you may also be able to opt for a tax refund.

Although there are limits to ITC rates, there is no top limit to SR&ED funding. A small business can pursue innovation and not worry about its costs falling within certain parameters to qualify for these financial resources. While you do not receive a total cost reimbursement, small businesses can benefit greatly from the provincial and federal SR&ED rates.

How to Use SR&ED to Compete with Bigger Businesses

A small business does not have the same financial resources as larger corporations. However, SR&ED funding equalizes things a little bit in terms of innovation. If you have a unique idea, you can test it, trademark it, claim it, and use it to build your brand in the face of bigger, more powerful competition.

As a Canadian-owned and Canadian-based business, it is within the country’s economic interests for you to succeed. Especially if you are delivering a product globally or are interested in expanding to new territories in or outside of Canada, SR&ED provides a financial incentive to allow you to maintain your business work in Canada.

SR&ED has spurred its collection of the industry with SR&ED consultants, SR&ED virtual guides and information sessions, and lots of SR&ED information available online. Filing an SR&ED claim is easy with little assistance, so long as supporting documentation is available and the required forms are filled out correctly.

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Small Business

Essential Accounting Advice for Small Business Owners



Essential Accounting Advice for Small Business Owners

As the leader of a small business, you likely have plenty of responsibilities. Whether you’re developing new ideas and strategies, working with clients, or simply managing everyday operations, it can be hard to find enough time to focus on your finances. However, staying compliant and being in control of your funds is critical for the success of your business in the long run. To that end, here are some of the most essential accounting tips you should keep in mind when running a small business:

Separate your finances

For most small business owners, personal finances and business-based funds have a tendency to mix. But even though that might be common, blended finances can only cause more issues, from smaller practical ones to larger legal problems. To avoid this and keep the entire process stress-free, it’s recommended to open a separate account for your business and keep it divided from your personal finances. You will be more organized and coordinated this way, and it will be easier to track both your personal and business funds in an effort to make wiser financial decisions. You can explore the services of Florida Capital Bank if you are looking for the best bank for small business in Florida.

Streamline your records

Work styles differ and some entrepreneurs prefer a bit of chaos to support their creative processes. But although that may work in your personal life, it should never be applied to your books and your bookkeeping habits. Instead, it’s best to keep all the necessary documents tidy, categorized, and neatly organized. Not only will this help to save some time and stress searching for important documentation, but it can also be of great help when approaching tax seasons, dealing with legal issues, or working with accounting professionals in any capacity.

Use an application

Considering the fact that we are so dependent on technology nowadays, it truly comes as no surprise that there’s an application for virtually everything, including finances. For example, you can download a budgeting app such as Mint or YNAB on your phone to streamline your personal finances and keep them separate from your business funds. Or, you could invest in specialized bookkeeping software to keep your outgoings, incomings, taxes, and other business-related financial records organized. Regardless of the solution, technology can make financial management much easier and more efficient in any case.

Know the tax rules

Taxes are a vital consideration for all businesses, one that can come with serious legal and financial consequences if not managed properly. However, this can also be a complex area to comprehend, especially when it comes to determining which regulations apply to you and your small business, and which taxes you actually have to pay. That is why working with industry professionals such as Verus accountants can prove to be quite advantageous. These experts will provide you with in-depth knowledge and great advice for creating tax-effective strategies, protecting your assets, and building your overall wealth.

Adhere to tax deadlines

In terms of taxes, remembering deadlines is another crucial aspect you should focus on. Ask your accountant to send you an email, set a reminder on your phone, mark the date in your calendar, or do anything else that will remind you that the tax deadline is approaching. This period can often be stressful, especially if you’re forced to rush due to any mistakes or a lack of organization. Setting reminders and following deadlines will be necessary, helping to ensure your records are accurate and that local authorities won’t pester you because you weren’t prepared on time.

Budget for taxes

Another tip that might help in dealing with taxes is advanced planning. No matter how large your profits may be, remember that they’re not all yours until you pay your taxes. For this reason, budgeting for this period throughout the year may be a good tactic for avoiding shock during tax season and ensuring you have enough funds to cover what you owe. You can do this by setting up a specific savings account for taxes and putting some money in it each month in an effort to pay off your taxes easily and happily enjoy the rest of your profits.

Make a P&L statement

A profit and loss statement (P&L) provides you with an overview of the financial health of your company. It aims to summarize the costs, expenses, and revenues during a specific time period, and it might even be required by your local government to satisfy their rules. A P&L statement should include data such as your operating profit, net profit, gross profit, and profit before tax. If created correctly, this statement will make it much simpler to track and analyze the expenses and profits of your business, and identify potential areas of improvement.

Whether you’re hiring a professional or handling your finances yourself, the right strategy will be critical to success. Follow the advice above to gain a better understanding of accounting and find new opportunities for your small business to grow.

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