Advice from sources that have gone through similar situations that you’re experiencing right now is much more important than theoretical business advice. The money-saving tips that follow have been collected and shared here anonymously, for your convenience – these are all tips from real people that have benefited a lot from applying them in real-life business situations.
Don’t be afraid to outsource
Now, I know; you want your team to be a whole – you’re looking for a business that functions as a family. This is all very progressive, but the fact of the matter remains that your business is going to require certain tasks every once in a while that are simply too rarely required for having a full-time employee working on them, and yet too important and complicated to ask someone without all the expertise to handle them. This is exactly what outsourcing is for. It is essential that you keep the list of your full-time staff at a bare minimum, and outsource everything else. When you think about it, the fewer full-time employees you hire, the more your business is going to function like a family.
Find a cheaper way
The main reason why most entrepreneurs end up paying huge amounts of money on trivial things is them not caring enough to dig deeper. In accordance with the true spirit of entrepreneurship, you should always seek to cut costs – if there’s a way to get your office supplies for free, by all means, do it! Make deals, network, cooperate, do everything in your power; this does not mean that you’re cheap, it means that you care about your finances. To top it off, the way you go cheap is by cutting deals with your peers, meaning that networking opportunities are all around you; most businesspeople value other interesting offers more than they value money.
Use the cloud
Just as people no longer care too much for making phone calls, but usually stick to texting, there is no need for having physical documents by your side at all times. With everything now storable in the cloud, the access to whatever you need is as far as your internet connection reaches (and we all know this is now pretty much everywhere). There is no need to print anything out; instead of posting the week’s agenda on a physical board, or sharing the business/financial plan with everyone in physical form, save money and the environment by posting these on the cloud.
Use eco energy
Sure, the vast majority of modern businesses are starting to embrace the CFL/LED technologies, but these really are ridiculous in energy-saving terms, when compared to solar energy. Of course, depending on where you’re located, going solar varies in terms of how much financial sense it makes, but if you are located in a place that has a lot of sunshine, going with a quality choice like the 5kWp Solar System can save you tremendous amounts of money. Imagine not having to pay your business’s electric bills at all at certain times of year!
Cheap marketing
Yep, we do mean social media marketing. While it isn’t applicable as the only necessary marketing strategy, establishing a solid social media presence has many advantages. Think about it, with all the paid advertising options available on sites such as Facebook and Instagram, and with the majority of your customers being present on at least one of the most popular social media websites, using these for advertising purposes is a no-brainer!
The 5 money-saving tips above will help you cut the costs of running a business. The best thing here is that applying these to the way you do business is exciting, fun, and above all, smart! Don’t walk away from outsourcing, always look at ways to cut deals, find your spot in the cloud, think about going solar and always opt for the most economical marketing strategies!