Artificial intelligence has helped evolve various fields, one of them is the diamond industry. The mentioned industry has gone through various phases as technologies and expertise have continued to develop. The recent few years have brought immense changes to diamonds’ excavation, manufacturing, and modification.
Diamonds are considered of high monetary value, which is why they have attracted various techniques regarding their manufacture. The continuing market value of diamonds has boosted the research regarding the use of AI in this field.
These ideas and approaches have helped bring change from the process of extraction to the complete finishing. It has made the job easier for the manufacturers and added refinement for the customers. Here is a brief overview of the impacts of the AI industry on the diamond industry and how AI approaches are being used to modify diamonds.
AI and Changing Diamond Industry
The change in the diamond industry regarding AI began early in the 1990s and 2000s. It was when some Israeli manufacturers employed some modern technological techniques in the diamond industry. They realized that the most important part of the process was planning and deciding the process. The same plan is used to develop each stone into a refined diamond. Since then, it has continued, and the mentioned industry continues to use AI.
If a plan is programmed using AI for this purpose, it will enhance the stone and make it easier for the manufacturers. AI comes to help enhance the process as it is a collection of multiple programs that consider every aspect of the given job. It is perfect for diamonds as their manufacturing process requires hundreds of considerations. Thus, it takes care of all these to get the manufacturer the perfect piece.
AI can also be employed in the preparation of lab-created diamonds as it uses various programs that can generate an ideal diamond. The uses of AI are not just limited to the use in the mining and polishing process. Rather it helps businesses to keep record of their products and arrange it according to their needs. The huge databases that AI uses brings ease in identification, management, and ease for customers.
As diamond is a valuable commodity, it has required special programs that can cover the process from mining to shipping. Also, the available software can also be used to identify if the real diamond has been exchanged for fake during the shipping process. RockHer is an app that utilizes IBM’s technology for the identification of diamonds.
Uses of AI in the Diamond Industry and Diamond Modification
There are various uses of AI in the diamond industry, and it can be used in the modification of diamonds. Some of these are given as follows:
1. Grading and Analysis
AI enhances the process of diamond grading and analysis using its advanced programs. In contrast to AI, it would cost too much time and energy if it is done traditionally. AI tools ensure that real-time data for a diamond is taken and it is analyzed quickly. Though the process for AI grading of diamonds is not new, it is improving constantly.
It simplifies the diamond planning and drilling process as the decisions are data-driven. It employs scanning and imaging technologies while also bringing forth the use of the latest available software for grading. Thus, it reduces the human effort to the minimum possible, and the use of extensive machinery for grading and analysis is reduced.
It fulfills the aim of creating an attractive diamond that requires minimum human effort. It brings more revenue to the business and reduces costs.
2. Inventory
The business of a brand depends on an efficient inventory. It can bring the best to the market and serve the customers with the products that the customers demand the most. If AI is used for diamonds, it can improve the standards with the help of AI programs.
The manufacturer can apply specific grading standards that the customers demand the most, and it will improve business.The availability of AI increases accessibility and thus improving the availability of products.
Another use is that of high accuracy in manufacture that is available in the case of AI, which is not always possible in the case of human beings. The manufacturers can follow market suitability according to popular demand and create diamonds with the required attributes.
The AI-based manufacturing process is flexible and can be used for various procedures. It reduces effort while not affecting the inventory, keeping the business afloat.
3. Improving Diamond Pipeline
The whole process of diamond manufacturing is too complex as it involves various steps from mining to analysis and sale. It is through the use of AI programs that the process is streamlined from the start to the end. The use of these programs reduces the cost of the procedures and makes the process easier. The availability of AI tools makes it possible to get reliable results once, instead of requiring multiple checks.
The job of artificial intelligence starts from the mining process. It is through geological tracking devices and other tools that identify the quality of diamonds. In the case of manual exploration or the use of some other tools, there are chances of being misled by wrong information. The use of AI reduces the chances of error, and it helps in the complete process.
Miners get data through drilling rigs and estimate the costs and the benefits a diamond would bring the investors. Then the diamond is processed using other AI tools required for the remaining process.
4. Using AI for accuracy
AI is considered a reliable tool from mining to grading process. It streamlines the process as it bases the procedure of analysis, grading, or any other purpose on a reliable set of data. It brings accuracy to the results which is far better compared to human-checked data.
Another factor that makes it far better is the constant improvement in AI while in comparison, improvement in human accuracy is relatively slower. The developers of programs can improve their algorithms as they can add further data related to diamonds.
Thus, it won’t be too long when AI-based grading and other processes would be the most-reliable ones for businesses.
Some AI Systems and Technologies Used in Diamond Industry
Various AI systems and technologies have been developed by experts, which have found wide use in the diamond industry. Some of the popular names include DiaCam360, Ringo, Sarine e-Grading, etc. These computer programs have developed through trial and error, thus giving the best possible results to the users.
DiaCam360 is an Israel-based developers’ venture who prepared this tool for the analysis of the color and clarity of the diamond. It is based on various databases which contain diamond pictures and other details. Its databases are GIA-affiliated, giving it credibility.
Ringo is an AI-based tool that can help find customers a diamond according to their specific choice. The choice might include color, shape, budget, etc. Sarine e-Grading is a tool that is being used for grading based on 4C’s. It gives object results that can be relied on.
As AI has continued to develop, the mining process has simplified with the reduced costs. There are AI tools that help identify various factors like groundwater, subterranean ventilation, temperature etc. to see if it would be feasible to mine diamonds. Thus, it reduces the risk facto to ensure that the process is safe for miners.
Tracking systems, wireless devices, detection tools, etc. are connected with AI tools to make mining safer and easier. Also, use of AI helps the miners analyze satellite images to see the environmental impact of mining.
Machine learning has helped in predicting dangers in a timely manner. It keeps the mining persons safe by analyzing data and considering if there would be spike in pumps. These also consider the formation of sludge deposits and ore fragmentation.
Thus, the miner is easily able to mine diamonds, reducing the chances of any untoward happening. Robots using AI have found multiple uses in diamond mines. An example is Western Australia where such robots are being used for load, haul, and dump purposes in diamond mines. These are automated machines utilizing AI for their job.
GIA first started testing use of AI for diamond clarity grading in 2020 partnering with IBM. They aim to expand it further to other domains as well.
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought human beings some unparalleled comforts. The diamond industry also benefits from the developments in these fields and has brought programs and tools that help the process from manufacture to refinement and sale. These tools make it easier to determine quality, modify the available diamonds and analyze their specific traits. It reduces too much human interaction and leads to adding precision. The use of AI reduces the chances of error and adds to the quality of the product. Moreso, the addition of new developments to this field will enhance the mentioned technology further in the future.