Udacity, which has emerged as one of the prominent Startups offering Massive open online courses(MOOCs) has come up with a program which helps tech entrepreneurs to give final shape to their ideas. Tech Entrepreneur Nanodegree program is an ‘all in one’ package which helps learners to get ready for the real challenge.From inception to marketing to monetization, this program covers every stage of an entrepreneurial life-cycle. In order to ensure the effectiveness of this program, Udacity involved several successful Startups from the Silicon valley before designing their curriculum.
This program has been built in partnership with Google and is specifically designed to teach students how they launch a sustainable and revenue generating venture. In this program, the students are asked to build projects. The reviewers analyze submissions and provide feedback and ideas on how to make these projects better.Top graduates of Tech Entrepreneur Nanodegree program will be able to present their ideas and prototypes in front of top venture capitalists at Google.
In this program, project feedback and coaching would cost $2oo a month. It can be said that Google and Udacity have started a mini business school catering to the needs of students who want to learn but don’t want to bear the burden of hefty debts. Also, with Google getting into this collaboration, it won’t take long to judge the efficacy of this program because of its global reach.
Of late, there has been a spate of business related online programs offered by top Ed-Tech Startups like Coursera, edX which are viewed as alternative to expensive business programs offered in business schools. Experts believe that traditional full time business degrees are still favorite among students and the idea of them being replaced by business degrees from Ed-Tech companies is a bit far fetched. However, it cannot be ignored that some of these Ed-Tech companies are designing courses which are very high in quality and many established companies including Google and LinkedIn are giving recognition to these courses.
We will have to wait for a year or so before we make any judgement on the reach and efficacy of online business courses.
Image Credit: Leeds.ac
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