We compiled our first list of top websites in USA in 2018 and it was based on several factors.
Like the previous list, the below list ”Top 50 websites in USA in 2020” is based on several factors like the daily time spent by a visitor on the site, average monthly visitors, bounce rate etc. The list is representative of the behavior of net surfers in the US.
This list is compiled after taking the average of the last three months’ performances of these websites. Though the list is believed to remain as is for a long time, several factors including users’ choices may lead to one website performing better than the other and therefore the list can change with time. Please note that the ordering of this list is not solely based on total monthly visitors.
Top 50 Websites in USA in 2020
- Google.com– The Search Engine everyone used by millions of users across the world.
- Youtube.com– The video streaming platform.
- Facebook.com– The social networking site
- Hulu.com– For streaming television shows.
- Intuit.com– Provides tax compliance products for tax professionals.
- Salesforce.com– Provides Customer Relationship Management(CRM) software.
- Walmart.com– Products from Walmart inventory can be brought here.
- Reddit.com– It contains user-generated news links.
- Amazon.com– Founded by Jeff Bezos, Amazon is the preferred shopping destination for many.
- Wikipedia.org– A place where one can learn about virtually any topic.
- Yahoo.com– Search and content distribution website.
- Twitter.com– The short text posting website.
- Netflix.com– Website providing awesome video content.
- Ebay.com– Mostly used for auctioning and reselling.
- Linkedin.com– The website for professional connections.
- Instagram.com– The photo-sharing website
- Imgur.com– A storytelling community that uses images.
- Twitch.tv– Video game live streaming platform
- Craigslist.org– You can literally find anything you want on Craigslist.
- tripadvisor.com– The travel planning portal.
- Healthline.com – Health and wellness portal
- Microsoftonline.com– The domain name tells it all.
- Live.com– A search engine from Microsoft.
- Wikia.com– Free wiki hosting.
- T.co– Twitter uses the t.co domain as part of a service to protect users from harmful activity, to provide value for the developer ecosystem, and as a quality signal for surfacing relevant, interesting Tweets.
- Espn.com– Sports website
- Tumblr.com– Free blog hosting service.
- Cnn.com– News website
- Imdb.com– Online Movie database where users can rate movies.
- Bing.com– Search engine by Microsoft.
- Chase.com– Website of the largest banking company in the US.
- Pinterest.com– An online pinboard where you can put the collection of things you like.
- Nytimes.com– Website of a leading US daily.
- Paypal.com– Payment processing platform where a user can make payment to someone using his/her email id.
- Microsoft.com– Website of software giant Microsoft.
- Apple.com– Website of software and tech devices manufacturer.
- Github.com– One can share code with colleagues here.
- Yelp.com– A platform for rating and reviewing places.
- Metropcs.mobi– prepaid wireless service in the United States
- Wellsfargo.com– One can get top financial services here.
- Bankofamerica.com– Website of a leading bank in the US.
- Coinmarketcap.com– Ranks cryptocurrency.
- Blogspot.com– A free blogging platform.
- Stackoverflow.com– You can find a solution for most of the things here. From programming languages to English, you have it all here.
- Washingtonpost.com– Online publication of a leading US daily.
- Dropbox.com– File storing and sharing platform.
- Zillow.com– Online property search platform.
- etsy.com– Online clothing and accessories store.
- indeed.com– Job search platform.
- Businessinsider.com–Business News website