More and more people are considering starting their own business every single day. On an average, people have around three careers during their lifetime, with second and third career move most commonly being to move their business to their own home. This doesn’t come as a surprise since starting a small home business is within anyone’s reach today. All this “starting a home business” requires is some effort and bit of risk taking. Still, with so many business options available today, coming up with the right idea for your start-up can be quite difficult. That’s why we have come up with 5 start-up ideas that might be just what you were looking for.
Cleaning Service
Cleaning service is a great business you can start by yourself. What’s great about it is that there are many directions this business can go in. You can opt to work during the hours no one else does and focus on offices and restaurants. Most of these need cleaning services during evening hours and weekends. Having flexible work hours means you will be able to build larger client base over a short period of time. You can also specialize in house cleaning and don’t have and set strict work hours for your business. Another great thing about this idea is that you don’t have to spend much money on marketing since you will find new clients mostly by word of mouth.
Event Planning
If you are good at organizing events, this just might be a perfect opportunity for you. All you need in order to start an event planning business are a laptop, a phone and an Internet connection. Your personality and ability to manage events are crucial when it comes businesses like this. Working from your home in order to keep the costs lower is always a good idea. If you manage to book a lot of events, you can start thinking about renting an office and expanding your business. This might even be necessary if you keep investing in new printers, PCs and marketing material and you find your home crowded with your work equipment.
Computer Training
If you are proficient in Macintosh and PC, why not start a computer training business? There is a large number of seniors who are trying to learn how to use the Internet in order to keep in touch with their loved ones. Showing them how to use Skype and write an e-mail isn’t too difficult which makes it a great idea for your start-up. Just bear in mind that people who are trying to learn how to use a computer don’t want to know every single detail about what makes a computer work. If you start overloading them with information about bits, megabytes and pixels, they might give up and decide to stick to pen and paper.
If you have ever dreamed about starting a pub, this just might be a great opportunity for you to do so. This is a perfect option for anyone who has ever worked in a pub and knows how these are supposed to be run and funded. If you decide to open a pub, you will need a liquor license which luckily, doesn’t cost too much. Still, it can take some time for you to obtain the license and should start the process as soon as possible. It’s also very important that you find an attractive location that will guarantee a large number of customers. If you want your pub to be a real hit, make sure you come up with some interesting decoration ideas and get quality bar stools.
Day Care
If you love spending time with children, running a day care might also be a good option for you. Many people today actually prefer to have their kids stay in a home environment rather than in an institution-like setting. This is an especially good idea if you have kids of your own, and spending time with the little ones is a part of your everyday routine. Just remember that there are regulations about how many kids can stay at your home and whether you have to hire somebody else as well. As long as you plan carefully, this can be a great opportunity for your home business.
No matter which business you opt for, make sure you plan your every move wisely and don’t rush into anything. If everything goes according to the plan, in just a few months you can even start thinking about expanding your new business.
This article has been written by Diana Smith. Diana is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to marketing and latest business technologies.