No matter if you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the world of business for years, you simply have to market your business. Unless you invest money in marketing, you’ll hardly be able to expand your client base and help your business grow. Luckily, there’s no need to spend loads of money on marketing, since there are some things you can do that won’t cost you too much but they’ll help you bring your business closer to consumers. We’ve come up with 5 of them you should definitely check out.
Make your employees your ambassadors
If you want to avoid hiring someone who’ll help you out with marketing your business, you can always think about the idea of turning your employees into your ambassadors. This means they will recommend your business to their friends and family whenever possible. And if you want this to work, you should consider giving bonuses to those who manage to find you the biggest number of customers. It may also be a good idea to print a lot of business cards and give them to your employees who’ll pass them to potential new customers.
Send emails
There’s a large number of companies out there which use email as a way of promoting their business. How do they do it? Well, basically they do whatever they can to collect emails from their customers and later send them emails about their new products or promotions. This helps their customers remember them next time they’re in need of a product or service they’re offering. Today, with automated personalized email, you can easily do this and turn one-time buyers into your regular customers.
Embrace social media
It’s safe to say that we live in the age when social media has become an important part of our lives. By the year 2020, there will be nearly 3 billion people using at least one social media platform. Therefore, if you want to attract new customers, social media is the place to be. Start a page for your business and find ways to produce content your followers will find interesting. You can always shoot instructional videos or share interesting industry-related news. Just bear in mind that you should never overload your followers with boring promotional content.
Turn your vehicle into a mobile billboard
If you find renting a billboard for your business too expensive, you can always turn your vehicle into a mobile one. In fact, most of the large businesses today use vehicles that have their name and phone numbers decorating the doors or windows. Modern vehicle advertising means you’ll have removable “stickers” made and applied to your vehicle. These things won’t hurt your paint job but they’ll definitely help you attract new people to your business.
Give away promotional items
One thing that’s always going to work for your customers is giving away promotional items. Things such as personalized pens, t-shirts, and key chains have been used for this purpose for ages and they never fail to do the trick. Customers who receive promotional items like this are much more likely to choose your product or service in the future. Today, you might want to go with something a bit more memorable than pens and t-shirts. For example, making personalized diaries or USB flash drives is guaranteed to help you win modern customers over.
All of the ways mentioned above are always going to do the trick for your business. And no matter if it’s about attracting new customers or retaining the current ones, they should help you achieve your goals without having to spend a real fortune.