Finalizing the perfect color for your Condo’s Interior can be a challenging task for many. The availability of different shades for a single color, along with different patterns to chose from creates what we call in Classic Economic terms “The problem of Choice”.
The Color palettes and designer-created schemes are based on sound color theory and they act as an excellent starting point for finalizing your interior colors.
However, the fact remains that the true test of colors happens only on the walls because the color is technically a reflection of light, and it is impossible for any rendering to replicate the color that you see in real viz. a viz. the color you see on any picture or through 3D rendering on screens. A perfect lighting combination along with the color is what will make your condo look different and better than others.
In this post you will get some pro tips on picking a perfect color Palette for your Condo’s Interior, that will make your task relatively easier.
The color scheme should be chosen from the Largest Pattern in the space
Start with looking Outside for Ideas
Sometimes, Interior Color can also draw inspiration from the color outside. Depending on the area you live and also the exterior of your building, your Interior color choice can differ. Not just that, bringing the outside color in is a popular inspiration for color schemes. It doesn’t matter whether you choose green from the building’s vicinity or cool blues of the beach, exterior-inspired colors will always give you a restful and relaxing feeling. However, before you make your final decision. be sure to sample your favorite paint colors at all times of the day and night. This along with the window treatments closed and open. This will give you the most realistic view of your possible choices.
Try a Lighter or Darker Shade of the same color before abandoning it
Use the Color Wheel wisely
Contrast Warm and Cool
Flow of Color Throughout Your Home
Go With Grays
Finalizing the perfect color for your home can be the most challenging aspect of your Interior Design. After all, paint accentuates every other aspect of your Interior Design. Therefore, buy some paint samples and their different shades, paint them on the wall, and see how they look throughout the day and night. Don’t just paint boards but consider painting a portion of the wall because boards don’t have the same texture. Also, try to get samples in the same sheen that you’ll use for the final coat. This is because the sheen has a big impact on color quality.