While there’s nothing wrong with promoting people or increasing their salary in order to show your appreciation for them, these two cannot be your go-to methods. Why? Because this is simply not cost-effective or viable from the standpoint of a self-sustainable business. Instead, here are five different methods that may give you much better results.
Give them your full attention
While a lot of people like to mystify the concept of charisma, the truth is that it’s nothing more than the ability to give people your full attention. We’re programmed to like people who like us, so you should use your stance, facial expression and, most importantly, the fact that you’re really listening to what they’re saying to make your employees feel appreciated. Other than this, you should also try to remember what they’re saying, in order to reflect on it the next time you speak. Needless to say, this isn’t as easy but it’s a pivotal part of your efforts of making them feel appreciated.
Tell them where they fit in
Another important thing you need to figure out is the fact that they sometimes need to be told that they’re an essential part of your organization. Now, every single employee has heard this about a dozen times, which is why you need to be a lot more specific. Talk to their direct supervisor or team leader and ask them about what is it that they do or, even better, what is it that they do particularly well. By being specific when giving praise, it will feel a lot more meaningful and genuine.
Praising them in front of others
Another thing you could try is praising your employees in front of others. Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be anything old-school like the employee of the month tradition. In fact, this kind of putting people on the pedestal may only cause some people in your business to be more envious of their coworkers. On the other hand, throwing a small ceremony and even having some corporate awards made to give out is an entirely different thing. Some of these trophies may later decorate the office while being proudly put on display.
Consider lateral movement
Some people in your employ might want to change their current workplace. Keep in mind, though, that they don’t necessarily want to move up. You see, sometimes an employee would really like a lateral movement within your company. For this to work, however, you need to know the goals and aspirations of every single person on your staff. One-on-one meetings with them are a great way to figure this out, as well as a great way to show them your full appreciation.
A chance to grow professionally
The very last thing you need to understand is the fact that there are some employees who see you as a platform to grow professionally. Some of these people may not remain in your employ for long but as long as they feel like there’s room for them to expand their skills and grow their industry-specific knowledge, they’ll stay loyal and productive. Keep in mind that once they decide to leave, you should hold no grudge. This makes all the difference between a bitter rival and a potential partner.
In the introduction, we’ve mentioned that promotions and raises aren’t really the most effective employee appreciation method. However, if you don’t resort to these two methods when they’re due, chances are that all your other efforts will be interpreted as empty gestures. There are only so many times that you can repeat that they’re an invaluable member of your staff (without backing it up) before they start doubting these words.